Saturday, September 13, 2008

Puppy Parenting Everything You Need to Know about Your Puppys First Year by Jan Greye ISBN 0060012609

Puppy Parenting: Everything You Need to Know about Your Puppy's First Year by Jan Greye, ISBN 0060012609

Presents a month-by-month guide to raising a healthy, well-adjusted puppy during the first year of its life, covering such topics as housebreaking, obedience school, finding the right veterinarian, and emergency care....They are rambunctious, don't listen, make a mess, destroy your belongings, and never clean up after themselves. No, not children-puppies!

We may be your baby now, but if you want him to grow up to be your best friend, it's going to take some preparation. From the time he's just a twinkle in your eye to the end of the first year, 'Puppy Parenting' helps you raise a happy, healthy, well-behaved puppy.

Jan Gteye and Gail Smith -- aka the Dog Divas of Beverly hills -- have been helping to nurture pampered puppies in the 90210 zip code for more than sixteen years and are truly the best puppy caregivers around. Now they've gathered all the information they've learned over the years and written the ultimate guide to bringing your puppy up right.... Click here or on the image for details

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